Friday, 3 October 2014


Hello! I thought I would do, a very short, introductory blog to start off; to introduce to you both my self, and the idea of the blog.

Let's start with ME! I'm Holly, I'm 24 years old and am just at the very start of a 3 year long degree in Adult Nursing at Brighton University. I am probably not your average student, firstly being all old and that (come my next birthday in December I will officially be a mature student), secondly being settled in a rented flat with my long term boyfriend, Steve, and our cat, Floyd. I will not being attending a single 'freshers' event and I'm not really expecting to engage in the social side of being a student to be honest. I am going to have to work my arse off with regards to the course but also outside of uni to make ends meet. Getting a shite bursary that barely covers rent and having the responsibility of a cat makes earning dosh in my spare time, vital!

I grew up in Essex and moved to Brighton in 2008 to do a music diploma and never left! I have worked in care for just over 2 years, working mainly with people with complex disabilities. It was caring for my mother through her battle with cancer that compelled me to work in the care sector and seeing the fantastic job all the nurses did made me want to pursue a career in nursing.

The purpose of this blog, in all honesty, is mostly for me. I am hoping it with be quite therapeutic for me to keep a record of my thoughts and feeling through this journey and I also think it could be a useful tool when it comes to writing reflective essays! It would be great if this could become a blog for other student nurses or potential student nurses to read and find comfort in but if even one other student nurse reads this blog and finds it helpful I would be pleased as punch :)

So there we have it, that's me and that's the blog. Let's do this shit!

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